Analysis Of Treatment Compliance For Hypertension Patients In The City Health Center In The North Region Of Kediri City


  • Nadya Putri Salsabilla Bachelor of Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of FAKAR, Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia
  • Adi Wibisono Bachelor of Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of FAKAR, Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia


Hypertension, MARS, Medication Adherence


Hypertension is a medical condition with high prevalence throughout the world. In Indonesia, of the 8.8% of hypertension sufferers aged ≥18 years, only 54.4% regularly take medication, while the remaining 32.3% do not regularly take medication, and 13.3% % not taking hypertension medication. Including in East Java Province and especially in Kediri City. This study aims to analyze treatment compliance for hypertensive patients at the North Region City Health Center of Kediri City in 2023 and the factors that influence the level of compliance. The type of research carried out was quantitative with a cross-sectional research design using the Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS) questionnaire. This research was carried out in June 2023. The samples used were in accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data analysis using SPSS, a total of 161 samples of respondents suffering from hypertension at the City Health Center in the Northern Region of Kediri City. The research results showed that as many as 161 respondents met high and moderate compliance, 146 (90.7%) of the 161 respondents had a high level of compliance and 15 respondents (9.3%) had a medium level of compliance. It was concluded that there was no significant influence between age, gender and education on compliance with hypertension treatment. Shows that hypertensive patients at the North Region City Health Center of Kediri City realize the importance of treatment in maintaining and improving patient health.


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How to Cite

Nadya Putri Salsabilla, & Adi Wibisono. (2023). Analysis Of Treatment Compliance For Hypertension Patients In The City Health Center In The North Region Of Kediri City. Strada Journal of Pharmacy, 5(2), 50–56. Retrieved from


